Installing Java 8 on windows 10

Rohit Dhiman
Apr 17, 2020


  1. Check if the java is already installed on your machine
If the java version information is displayed, please refer to — how to install multiple version of java on windows.

2. Go to Java 8 download page . You will be asked to login with your oracle account. If you already have an account, sign in with your credentials else sign up. Based on your operating system, download the appropriate file.

3. Create a directory “Java” under C drive. Install the program after downloading it.

Select the Java folder under C drive as the destination path.

4. If the installer prompts to select the destination for JRE, create a similar folder as shown below. Note- jdk folder is automatically created by installer.

5. Copy the path of bin directory under jdk folder and create a system variable “JAVA_HOME” in environment variables. Add the same in path variable.

Save and close it.

6. Go to command prompt and type “java -version”

Voila ! Java 8 is successfully installed on windows.



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